The Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) has just signed a long-term framework agreement with the Danish company Arbit Cyber Defence on digital cross-domain solutions for the Danish Defence
DALO has for many years had a good cooperation with the Danish company Arbit, a collaboration that continues to be strengthened through a new 20-year framework agreement on cross-domain solutions (CDS) for the Danish Defence. Solutions that will contribute to the continued modernization of the Armed Forces’ digital solutions with a focus on network security from HQ server rooms all the way to the armored operational units.
“Being able to protect and exchange data, information and intelligence securely and quickly across classified domains is a crucial parameter for success. It is against this background that we are now entering into a strategic collaboration with Arbit to ensure effective coherence between the Armed Forces’ systems and networks across land, sea, and air,” says Lieutenant General Kim Jesper Jørgensen, Comandor of the Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation. He continues:
“Arbit’s products will play a central role in the comprehensive digitization task we are facing, which will be crucial for the operational work of the Danish Defence.”
Long development cooperation
The collaboration between DALO and Arbit Cyber Defence started around 2015, when a cross-domain solution (CDS) for the Danish Army was to be developed. Already the following year, Arbit was ready with a solution that was tested operationally together with DALO at the NATO exercise Bold Quest in hot and very humid Savannah in the southern United States. After a thorough evaluation from the exercise, DALO and Arbit entered into a framework agreement in 2017 for the development of a RUGGED Gateway, where several requirements had to be met.
Arbit immediately began development, and less than two years later a RUGGED version of IEG (Information Exchange Gateway) was ready for acceptance testing. This time the system was tested during the NATO exercise in cold snowy Finland. Here the test was Joint Fires Interoperability and artillery systems from different countries and different classifications that had to communicate with each other. After a successful test, the solution RUGGED IEG Gateway was nationally approved. In collaboration with Arbit, DALO is now developing more solutions that include additional CDS solutions.
Technological security of supply with Danish defence industry
The Danish Defence thus continues its long-standing cooperation with Arbit, which also supplies products and solutions to all of Scandinavia and several other European countries. The choice of a Danish supplier helps to ensure that technological know-how remains on Danish soil and can be seen as part of the prioritization of the overall security of supply for the Armed Forces.
“This agreement confirms the entire purpose of Arbit, namely, to develop world-class technology that helps protect Denmark,” states Rasmus Borch, CEO Arbit.
[The original version of the article is in Danish, and can be found at DALO website]